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Webinar innovative tools & services for Executive Search worldwide

IESF hosted an online Webinar with the topic ‘IESF tools & services’ on March 4, 2021. In this webinar we shared several tools and services that have been developed in different IESF countries, with the goal to share these valuable insights with each other so it can also add value for every partner.

The meeting brought together 19 participants all from different countries, involving dynamic discussions about the recruiting sector impacts due to the pandemic outbreak. And which innovative tools and services they now have been providing to their customers with success. IESF partners focus on innovation and support clients in finding the talent they are looking for.

5 innovative solutions on the agenda:

1. Bclose: Monitoring Onboarding & Engagement of new employees. Headway Executive Search – Spain.

2. iSkills: Online assessment focused on 4 main competencies, with short videos and comics (gamification). Certified by Joan Guardia Doctor of Psychometry and Psychology of the University of Barcelona (UB). Headway Executive Search – Spain

3. Executive Mirror Program: A 9 week online program, that empowers organizations to develop, promote, and preserve key talent. Kishurim – Israel

4. Total Career Management for Millennial managers via My Future Works. The Future Alliance – Belgium

5. Engagement for gender diversity. Ganci & Partners – Switzerland

The International Executive Search Federation is one of the world´s most recognized international executive search groups. Identifying talent and leadership with more than 80 offices in 21 countries.

If you want any further information regarding one of the tools presented. Don’t hesitate to contact our Executive Assistant: Kirsten van de Groep via email: [email protected].

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